Wednesday 1 January 2014

Interesting New Year Resolution that you should follow for 2014

by Lidiatwoskins at en.wikipedia,
Often keeping New Year Resolutions keeps us in tizzy, because we don’t always like to follow commitments. May be they are mind-numbing and make you uneasy sometimes. But, 2014 can become amazing with these interesting New Year Resolutions.

Do It Yourself:-
Well, this can the fun part in DIY i.e. Do It Yourself.  Not everyone is adept at making small furniture, but it may definitely beef up your layman skills. Why to hire someone and spend money when you can do it yourself?  Also, it will make you feel pleased and will add to your skill list.
So spare sometime this year and try to do something practically. It will be a great experience.

How about nailing a Novel?
Here we go, the most tedious task that make our story book half read. This year make sure that you atleast read one popular and big story book. You must have heard of so many popular novels and even though to read it, but it ends up as a very boring and dreary task. So, this year make sure you atleast sail through one book that will add to your knowledge and improve your English. You never know, it may make you a vivid reader. Just try it once. It will be fun!

Knock, Knock Doctor!
Yeah! How about keeping yourself fit and fine by simply visiting a doctor for a check-up?  Many of us shy away from it by giving excuses like “I feel alright”, “It is short-term. I will feel better”.  Thinking for a long run,  make sure that you visit a doctor every 6 month to live healthy.  Cheers for healthy living!

Rediscover your hobbies:-
 Hobbies try and keep you happy, relaxed as well as energetic.  We often get lazy to spare sometime for our favourite hobbies after coming from office. But, it slowly puts you under boredom and become sadists.  So, this year revive your hobbies and follow them. It will definitely give you a sense of fulfillment and keep you happy.

Get over your fears:-
Everybody has some kind of fear which constantly makes them feel unhappy, insecure, tizzy or uncomfortable. They best way to do away with your fears is face them and overcome them by sheer strength and confidence. Believe me you will feel amazingly relaxed and it will give you a sense of achievement. So, do not wait and take an oath to work towards them, give it some time. Slowly and steadily you will overpower them

Social Service:-
A superb way to feel good about you is by  serving those in need. We understand that not everyone has time to dedicate to this, but whatever you can do, it will be worth. Whether that is paying visit to orphanage or helping donating blanket to a beggar in winters, make 2014 the year when you dare to make it a better place to live. So, be the change.

Give it a thought! Such interesting New Year resolution can make a big difference in your lives.

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