Tuesday, 11 February 2014

"Why do losers get ahead in life?"

"Why do losers get ahead in life?"

What I have noticed after completing my high school and entering the the real life zone is that the people who were considered academically not that sound and were deemed to be stoutly unconventional and unreasonable are doing really well; compared to their hardworking counterparts. Mind you, such bunch of useless fellows were often referred to as 'LOSERS.'

Till now I have experienced this a lot and there would be more like me who experiences such things. We often ask the question to ourselves- “ How the fuck this guy can get ahead of me in life? I am a engineer (or doctor or a Phd) and still this individual who looks like a thug and was a poor performer throughout high school and even graduation.”

But, I never underestimated anyone within my personal space; nor was I a brilliant performer. But I have seen guys being a non performer to being a achiever and also have heard different stories of 'losers' climbing to be the opportunist- the Go Getters.

Trust me, it is very inspiring for me to learn from them and know what is the secret of “Losers getting ahead in life.” Or there is no secret, it is sheer behaving pattern that tends to mold them into an individual capable of being successful.

You know sometimes it is perfectly alright to not have the solutions for your problem. But the problem arises when you don't know how to face them. This where the so called 'losers' come in picture. Often known as daydreamers, they move on to be achiever.

Such things often occur during college placements. You notice a scholar student being ignored and sometimes the student who was concurred by many to be the last person to get a placement is picked by the company, leaving you in jittery and putting the most unliked and irritable mysterious question in your mind- “ why do losers get ahead in life?”

Why? Why? Oh god Why?

The answer that I have figured out lies inside them. It is their certain traits that put them ahead of their competitors. Such important attributes are explained below.

First and foremost is that losers don't take work seriously. But yeah, they do it sincerely. When one is sincere towards responsibilities, I don't think so that he or she needs to be serious. They are the one who love to have fun while working and enjoy every single moment.

They do not understand their aim clearly and hence, this leaves higher scope for growth wide open. They then experiment with unconventional and different set of things. They set to explore things in a different way. They then don't often take the right decision, but after taking decision they strive hard to make it right.

Also, they do not fear taking risk. They are so used to being fearless that it helps them to face any kind of situation or problem. Also, failure does not deter them to explore new things and possibility. Might be they are very used to failures. This tendency works as a very strong catalyst for their success. Even, they do not care for the rules. For them rules are meant to be broken. It is fun, it is interesting. Their counterparts try to remain within the boundaries of human behaviour and hence, don't see the world beyond their limited vision. They are the one who don't follow rule, but they make them.

They never do anything for attention as they hardly receive it. They also never put their energy or thoughts to think about society's perspective regarding them. They really don't care. Hence, they are bold and courageous to take risks and live a better life than others. They blow their own bugle, be their own protagonist and follow their dreams selflessly upon realising one. They do not lust for gathering accolades form peers, families and friends. This ignorance towards appreciation helps them to concentrate and improve their work at each step they take towards their goals.

Losers do not follow the crowd. They are different as they don't find it offensive to try new things, explore realm of possibilities or choose the dammed path. This plays the major role in making them highly successful.

Having said all the above, one question that pops up in my mind is- “Are they still to be labelled as losers?”

Academic study is definitely very important, but it is not the only thing required for success, there are so many other things that counts. No body will teach you better than life. I guess this is the reason why losers get ahead in life.

Once a Techie and a writer were sitting together.

Techie said “ Dude, I wish I was in Microsoft or Apple earning in dollar”

Writer “Why is that so?”

Techie “ See, I will work hard for 20 to 25 years, earn high and then enjoy rest of my life easily”

Writer “ Oh, Whats the point of running behind money for so many years and then planning to enjoy, What if you don't live to spend your money. Stay in present moment. Enjoy everyday. Money is not everything. Start living my brother and money will follow you. Keep a balance in your life.”

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